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Property Details Aren't Saving

Why isn't the property Details page saving?

Blake Latin avatar
Written by Blake Latin
Updated over a week ago

This issue almost always has something to do with the description. The most common issues are emojis in the description and unwanted characters in the description. To resolve this:

  • Please ensure there are no emojis in the description.

If you're sure there are no emojis in your description, open a text editor such as Notepad on Windows or TextEdit on Mac:

  1. Copy the Text

    • Click and drag your mouse over the text you want to copy.

    • Right-click the highlighted text and select Copy (or press Ctrl + C on Windows / Command + C on Mac).

  2. Open a Plain Text Editor

    • On Windows:

      • Click the Start button.

      • Type Notepad and open it.

    • On Mac:

      • Click the magnifying glass (top-right corner).

      • Type TextEdit and open it.

      • Click Format in the top menu, then select Make Plain Text (if available).

  3. Paste the Text

    • Click inside the text editor.

    • Right-click and select Paste (or press Ctrl + V on Windows / Command + V on Mac).

  4. Copy the Plain Text

    • Click and drag over the text again.

    • Right-click and select Copy (or press Ctrl + C / Command + C).

  5. Paste into Rela

    • Go to the Details page for your Rela property.

    • Click in the description.

    • Right-click and select Paste (or press Ctrl + V / Command + V).

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