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Adding Video

Add a cover video and multiple videos.

Blake Latin avatar
Written by Blake Latin
Updated over a week ago

Unbranded & Branded Videos

When adding video to your property website, you can choose between adding video to your Branded site, Unbranded site, or both.

If you only have one video for both your branded and unbranded websites, do not add it to both the Unbranded and Branded video spots. Only add your video to the unbranded position as this will display for both the unbranded and branded websites.

You have 2 options for uploading video to Rela. The first, and preferred method, is to add a link to your video from YouTube or Vimeo. This method helps to prevent errors with duplicate content that can occur when deleting and re-uploading videos from your computer.

The other option is to upload a video directly from your computer. This method can cause errors if you upload the same video to Rela more than once.

Displaying Your Videos

There are 2 options available when choosing how to display your videos. Your videos can be:

  1. A Full Background Video (Cover Video)

  2. Embedded in the website. (Video Gallery)

Option 1 requires you to add your video as the Cover Video. You can only have 1 cover video for your branded and unbranded websites. Option 2 requires you to add the video to the Video Gallery. You can add as many videos as you like to the gallery.

Cover Video

If you have 1 video for both the Branded and Unbranded websites, you only need to upload the video the unbranded spot. If you have separate videos for your Branded and Unbranded websites, you can add them to their designated spots by clicking the box to add a video.

Once the video has completed uploading, you can see a preview of it below. You'll have the option to delete the video by clicking the trash can icon in the top right corner of the video preview.

Cover Video Sound Options

Clicking the "Sound" button allows you to enable or disable the Cover Video sound.

Note: All modern browsers prevent audio from playing automatically when a website is loaded. As a result, all videos must start muted and require the user to enable the audio.

Full Background Video

The Full Background Video feature is a very sleek and modern way to give life to your property website. 

Full Background Video Limitations

Due to the infinite possible screen sizes someone could be viewing your website from, trimming of the video sides may occur. The ideal 16:9 aspect ratio isn't something Rela can force a browser to resize as and as a result, in order to maintain that sleek full background quality, some trimming of the sides of the video may occur.

Note: Recent versions of Safari prevent audio from playing automatically when a website is loaded. 

Note: Mobile devices prevent video from playing automatically due to data usage restrictions. This is not something that Rela has control over. A play button is shown in place of the video starting automatically on mobile devices when the display is set to Full Background Video.

Video Gallery

The video gallery is a great way to embed multiple videos into your property website.

Adding videos to the gallery is the same as adding a cover video. Once your video has uploaded, you'll see it in the video gallery list.

The title of the video will be displayed to users so give it a descriptive name. Since these videos are embedded on the actual property website, you can select a specific cover image or thumbnail for the video by clicking the Change Cover Image button.

Like the cover video, you can select whether to show video gallery videos on your Branded, Unbranded, or both websites. You can also select Hidden to hide your video on the website while still having access to view and download it if logged in.

To delete a video, simply click the trash can icon in the top right corner of the video in the gallery.

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