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Team Calendar Dashboard

View your company calendar and team's schedule

Mike Land avatar
Written by Mike Land
Updated over a week ago

The Storefront Calendar dashboard provides visibility into your company's schedule and bookings. To get started, click the Calendar link under the Store Management navigation:

Calendar Link in the Store Management Menu

From here, you'll see the current month's schedule and bookings:

You can easily filter by team member and toggle external events (from connected Google Calendars) in the left sidebar.

External events are indicated with a 🟒 circle icon

Bookings created within Rela are indicated with a πŸ”² square icon - you can click booking events to see a detail view of the booking.

To dive down to a week or month view, use the buttons on the top right of the calendar:

To view a team member's schedule when choosing who to assign to a job, click the Calendar View button in the top toolbar of the assignment window:

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