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Products - Adding and Customizing

Configure the products and services you will offer your customers

Mike Land avatar
Written by Mike Land
Updated over a week ago

The Rela Store Front allows you to add custom products and services to your order form. Adding and customizing your list of products and services is easy, just click the Manage Products link in the left side menu.

When editing or adding a new product, you'll fill out these fields: 

This is the name of the product that will show to you and your customers

The description of the product will show on your customer order form

Price Per & Price
This setting allows you to set the price as a flat-fee, square-footage based price, or a quantity based price. Read more about this in the Pricing Variations help articles

Check this box if you want to apply sales tax to a product. If checked, sales tax will be automatically applied based on your local tax rates.

The product will be grouped into the selected category on your customer-facing order form. 

Hide from Store
Enabling this option allows you to create a product that will only be visible by admins. This is useful if you have additional fees that you want to add to orders, but you don't want the product listed in your public order form.

Requires On-Site Resource (Time to Complete)

This section allows you to set the time it takes to complete the service while at the job location. These times will be factored into the total job time when a client is placing an order.

Intake Questions

Product Intake Questions allow you to attach a custom list of questions that the customer will be asked to fill out when they add a product or service to their order. Collecting these important details upfront will streamline the order process and cut down on back-and-forth communication, with the goal of increasing customer satisfaction. Read more about Intake Questions here.

Product Media

Upload images or video to provide a preview of the product or service in the order form.

Product Providers

The Product Providers feature allows you to designate specific team members as providers for individual services.

If you've activated the "Real Time Calendar" scheduling feature for your Storefront, configuring Product Providers will intelligently auto-schedule multiple team members as required.

Rela Photographer Storefront Product Editor

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