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Product Providers

Set the services and products that can be fulfilled by each team member

Mike Land avatar
Written by Mike Land
Updated over a week ago

The 'Product Providers' feature enables you to designate specific team members as providers for individual services.

If you've activated the "Real Time Calendar" scheduling feature for your Storefront, configuring 'Product Providers' will intelligently auto-schedule multiple team members as required.

Multi-Assignment Options

Navigate to your 'Schedule Settings' dashboard to adjust the following multi-assignment options:

  • Allow Varied Start Times: This option lets team members start at different times within a given appointment window. It often increases the number of available time slots.

  • Require Identical Start Times: This setting ensures that available time slots only appear when all team members can start at the same time. This could reduce the number of available time slots.

Exclusive Assignments

  • Set as Exclusive: This can be set from the Staff Profile Page. Use this setting for team members who should only be assigned to the services listed on their profiles. If left unchecked, the system will also assign them to any other service lacking a designated provider. This is useful if you have team members specialized in only a few services and wish to prevent additional configurations.

How to Assign Team Members to Services

You can specify service providers in two ways:

  1. Navigate to the Product Edit page and choose the team members from there.

  2. Go to the 'Staff Profile' page and assign services to a particular team member's profile.

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